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Deal ends Aug 29.
VALUE PACK: 100 Pages for extra hours of de-stressing and coloring.
INCLUDES UNIQUE mandala and zen patterns from beginners design to advanced, complexed and detailed patterns so it's universal for all levels of experience.
GREEN EDITION. Printed in USA not China - saves rainforests in Asia, does not pollute environment because of use of extensive fuel from oversees transportation and printing practices.
EXTRA GIFT. Valued at $9.99. Special ebook "17 Tricks and Tips Every Adult Coloring Book User Should Know" - Ultimate Guide to Coloring Books. Sent to you the day before your book arrives.
100% MONEY BACK GUARANTEE. You either love it or it's free. Your purchase is backed by our no-questions-asked guarantee. We want your purchase to be totally risk-free. That's because we're quite sure you'll love this award-winning coloring Zen book.