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All Freshwater Pearls are directly imported from the pearl farms of China. Our pearls represent the finest in pearl selection, hand picked for its luster, quality, color, and cleanliness.
Each set of earrings is affixed with the highest quality 14K gold backings. The option is given to select either white or yellow gold based on your preferences.
Only the most elegant jewelry boxes are used to package and ship our earrings, ensuring the most beautiful presentation possible. Additionally, all products are accompanied with a genuine cultured pearl guarantee, verifying the quality and source of the pearls.
To guarantee your complete and total satisfaction, we offer our customers a 60-Day return policy.
The Pearl Source has been nominated as one of the few Top Holiday sellers in the Jewelry category on Amazon, and we continue to rank among the top companies for customer satisfaction and the best shopping experience.Furthermore, The Pearl Source is one of the only leading Foundation Members of the Cultured Pearl Association of America (CPAA) on Amazon.