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Deal ends Aug 14.
MANUFACTURERS LAUNCH SPECIAL PRICE - 1 WEEK ONLY -- WHAT IS RFID - Radio Frequency Identification - WARNINGS YOUR ID IS NOW VULNERABLE to Cyber Thieves since the introduction of RFID chips on your Credit and Debit Cards and Passports!
WE PROVIDE TWO FORMS OF PROTECTION - TWO Metal RFID Wallets (his and hers) and our Ultra Secure Credit Card AND Passport RFID protectors for your existing wallet and or purse!
WORRY NO MORE - HERE IS THE SOLUTION TO ID THEFT - Simply place these cards in your wallet/purse and you are protected. Bonus includes Felt Pouch for you RFID SS wallets.
RFID IDENTITY THEFT INCREASING IN USA - America has seen a 58% increase in ID theft in the past four years
BOTH FORMS OF PROTECTION FOR LOW OUTLAY - Now you can buy for RFID protection for your family ensuring best protection at best pricing on the net.