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Deal ends Aug 14.
PRIVATE 3D MOVIE THEATRE: Smart phone turned into virtual reality viewer,Enjoy your own portable cinema more convenient than 3D viewing glasses.
HUMAN BODY ENGINEERING DESIGN: Optical glasses protect your eyes from fatigue and harm,cortical patch adapts to your eyes to make you more comfortable to watch a complete wonderful movie.
ADJUSTABLE PUPIL DISTANCE AND FOCAL DISTANCE: Pupil Distance adjustment range: 55mm - 75mm. For those wearing eyeglasses, we recommend you to wear contact lenses.
COMPATIBLE WITH: Almost all kinds of 3.5-6.0 inch Screen Different Sizes of smart phones (Android / IOS, etc). iPhone 5 5s 6 6s plus Samsung Galaxy S7 S6 S7 Edge S6 Edge Note Moto LG Nexus HTC,etc.
SATISFYING DIFFERENT GROUPS OF PEOPLE: Conveniently find virtual reality movies on the internet and apps on Apple store or Google Play. Indulge in Hollywood movies and TV shows, action, thriller, suspense, sci-fi.Unique gifts to husband, wife, boyfriend, girlfriend, teens, dad, mom, brother.