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Deal ends Aug 13.
Two-tone 4-piece Bamboo Cutting Board Set: Four Convenient Wood Sizes. Two-tone Chopping Boards Made of Eco-friendly Bamboo.
Includes four cutting board sizes you need most often, stylish design that looks good in any kitchen. Board sizes: 1) 16 x 12 x 0.6 inches , 2 ) 13 x 9 x 0.6 inches , 3 ) 11 x 8.3 x 0.5 inches , 4 ) 8 x 6 x 0.4 inches
Made of strong bamboo that will not dull your cutlery blades, these chopping boards can handle most jobs in your kitchen - from serving cheese to carving a roast.
Environmentally friendly, sustainable bamboo has natural antibacterial properties and durability. Great for making and serving appetizers, cocktails, veggies, or crackers and cheese.
If for any reason this product does not meet your expectation, we will send you a new one for free at our cost. No questions asked. Buy now to take advantage of the limited-time special pricing!