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Deal ends Aug 29.
SWING SET ACCESSORIES: The Climbing Rope is a "must have" to go along with the other swing set accessories for your backyard playground! With the half round step design it is sure to add lots of success and fun to any existing swing set.
OUTDOOR FUN: Add it to your current swing set, use it as a tree climbing rope, climbing rope ladder or a rope swing! The Climbing Rope can even be added to your fitness routine for a full body workout!
DURABLE DESIGN: This climbing rope for kids is soft, making it safe on your child's hands! The 5 half round platforms for their feet allow your child to have greater success climbing to the top! The climbing rope has a weight limit of 150 pounds and meets and/or exceeds TUV safety standards.
WHAT'S INCLUDED: A 78 inch climbing rope, 5 - 4 inch half round platforms to help your child successfully climb to the top and a metal ring for an easy connection.
INTENDED USE: The Climbing Rope was designed for residential use only and should not be used in a commercial environment.