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Deal ends Aug 16.
FULLY APPLE MFI CERTIFIED: Don't take chances with other cables! Our Apple Lightning Cable is guaranteed to work with all iPhone, iPad & iPod models equipped with lightning ports
UNIQUELY DESIGNED INSIDE & OUT: Lightning cable is optimized for the fastest possible charging and syncing;Stylish look with nylon braided cord
MADE TO FIT YOUR CASE: Why should you have to remove your phone's protection to charge and sync? The profile of the connector on our iPhone charging cable will fit inside nearly all case openings to save you time and keep your phone safe(please Note these cables don't always fit all the cases!)
A WHOLE LOT MORE LENGTH: This USB cable for Apple devices is at 1.0M, so it's more convenient to use whether you're charging at your desk, in the car or using a wall outlet
THE LAST APPLE LIGHTNING CABLE: YOU'LL NEED We warranty our USB cable for a lifetime, so you can count on it to last