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Deal ends Aug 25.
GET ORGANIZED WITH AN ATTRACTIVE SOLUTION - Getting organized is a top priority but you don't have to sacrifice style to do it. This attractive 2 pack of fabric storage bins are designed to fit into almost any storage cube unit and hold a generous amount of toys, craft supplies, linens, games and more. They conceal your clutter and mess without being an eyesore like other bins and storage solutions. Each cube measures 11 inches x 10.5 inches x 10.5 inches.
SAVE SPACE WITH COLLAPSIBLE DESIGN - If you ever find you don't need to use all storage containers at once, simply remove the heavy-duty board bottom of the cube and fold the whole unit up. Each cube reduces to about half an inch in thickness and can be easily stored away until future use.
DURABLE WIPE-CLEAN FABRIC - We get it - sometimes life is messy. Especially when it comes to kids and corralling clutter around the house. Made out of durable non-woven fabric, these storage bins with handles easily wipe clean with a damp rag so you don't have to worry about stains and smudge marks from dirty hands or normal wear.
CUSTOMER GUARANTEE We're confident you'll love our Foldable Cube Storage Containers with dual handles. However, if you're not completely satisfied, we'll give you a 100% refund within 90 days of purchase--NO QUESTIONS ASKED.