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Deal ends Sep 08.
AiPower Adaptive Charging automatically detects connected device and supplies maximum charge current according to device chipset, and delivers the fastest charging speed.
Dual USB Output Ports provide 20000mAh of power on the go; up to 2.4 amps per port or 4.8 amps overall (2 times faster than a computer USB port); Can charge an iPhone 6 / 6s over 7 times or Galaxy S7 about 4.5 times or iPad air 1.5 times.
Lightning & Micro USB Inputs: Use your iPhone cable to charge your power bank, no need to bring a second cable if you are an iOS user.
Rapid Input Charging: DC 5V 2A input when using a 2A charger, recharge twice as fast as normal 5V 1A input power banks, reduce recharging time by 50%.
Package Contents: AUKEY PB-N36 20000mAh Power Bank, USB to Micro USB Cable (20cm), User Manual and 24 Month Warranty.