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Deal ends Sep 05.
GREAT ORGANIZER FOR LIPSTICK WITH 24 SLOTS: The AcryliCase® is great for organizing your lipstick collection. This organizer is the magic solution you have have searching for.
EASY TO CLEAN: Unlike other cosmetics or jewelry boxes that retain stains or colorization from your makeup, rings, or earrings, our acrylic boxes are easy to clean and won't discolor over time.
MAKES A GREAT GIFT: This organizer has so many uses that it makes a perfect gift for women, children, and men! It can be used for any task that needs tidying, and can be placed in a bedroom, bathroom, living room or kitchen! Tame all of the unkempt areas of your home with this organizer and restore order today!
100% SATISFACTION GUARANTEED: AcryliCase® guarantees that you will love our products. We strive to make only the best products from the best materials, at the most affordable prices for our customers! If for any reason you are not completely happy with our product, please contact a customer representative and let us make it right.