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Deal ends Aug 21.
Natural Linen
ELIMINATES MOISTURE TO HELP PREVENT SMELLY SHOES: These extra large deodorizer plugs help dehumidify your shoes to prevent moisture buildup and fungal growth. Odor-causing fungi thrive in damp, cramped spaces like shoes in storage. You can also use these plugs in keeping your boots, gym bags, gloves, luggage and other similar items fresh and clean all the time.
EXTRA LARGE SIZE FOR BIGGER SHOES AND BAGS: These plugs are bigger and contain more activated charcoal powder for added strength and longer-lasting freshness. These are perfect for bigger items including your working boots, big gym bags, travel bags, backpacks, and more.
HELPS KEEP FEET DRY AND FRESH: Because these shoe deodorizing plugs prevent moisture build-up and neutralize humidity, your shoes will stay dry and free from odor-causing microbes. As a result, your feet will remain fresh and clean throughout the day!
MADE FROM BAMBOO ACTIVATED CHARCOAL - and that's it! Our plugs contain premium quality, natural activated carbon powder. They don't have any additives or chemicals that can potentially harm you. So you can fully enjoy non-toxic, multi-purpose shoe plugs that last longer (up to 2 years).
100% MONEY BACK GUARANTEE: If you're not fully satisfied with the results of this product, you may return your item and we'll give you a refund with no questions asked! So click on the "Add to Cart" button now and start wearing cleaner, fresher shoes every time!