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Deal ends Aug 21.
HIGH POWER, HIGH PRESSURE: You're going to love the superior performance of the X-1000! Easily fill bike tires up to 160 PSI (11 Bar). Feel its power in every stroke. PLUS: Ball and Bladder Needles included for: Fitness & Soccer balls, Basketballs, Footballs, Pool Toys and More.
EASY-TO-READ GAUGE: Adjustable Indicator for Easy, Accurate Fill. Sturdy, Steel barrel with Long, Flexible Hose. Perfect tire pump for all bikes and other uses.
AERTIGHT(tm) PUMP HEAD: Superior pump head is the easiest to use on tires with both Presta and Schrader valves: No Adapters. No Adjustments. No Fiddling of any kind! Instantly switch from Road & Mountain Bike tires, to CycloCross, Cruiser & Hybrids... the AerGun works great with all - quickly and easily! Convenient BLEED VALVE in Pump Head to release excess pressure with precision.
TOP RATED FLOOR PUMP ON AMAZON! Thousands of happy customers! BUY WITH CONFIDENCE: 2 year, Iron Clad, no questions asked Guarantee! We are a U.S.A. Company, (Florida), driven to provide Amazing Customer Service!
Plus: FREE eBOOK with every order. "The ABC's of Bike Tires... How To Choose The Best Tires For Your Bike"... a $9.99 Value. (PDF file will be Emailed to you). Add the X-1000 to Cart Now!