• Amazon offers Albrillo E12 Bulb Candelabra LED Bulbs 5W, 40 Watt Equivalent, Warm White, 4 Pack for $12.99 $10.39.
  • Ends in 01h 10m 37s Adding to Cart Add to Cart failed. Retrying.. All retries have failed This deal is in your Cart. You have 0:00 left to Waitlist is full We'll notify you on the Amazon site, or you can turn on waitlist notifications in the Amazon App on your phone. This deal is now available for you. You have left to add this to Cart. You have already claimed this deal. $12.99 FREE Shipping on orders over $25. FREE Shipping on orders over $25. This item Albrillo E12 Bulb Candelabra LED Bulbs 5W, 40 Watt Equivalent, Warm White, 4 Pack FREE Shipping FREE Shipping FREE Shipping FREE Shipping FREE Shipping FREE Shipping LED led led LED LED LED 5 watts 5 watts 6 watts 5 watts 3 watts 7 watts Very bright, love them 3 of these bulbs stopped work within 1 to 2 months of use! Dont waste your money buying this product! After a couple months of normal usage two lights are dead and the rest are flickering and pretty much useless. Don't waste your money. Just received and 1 bulb already out! What a headache. I don't have 10 more words to say dumb review When only one bulb works out of 4 it would be hard to give them a good review. Don't waste your money. Nice bulbs I wish I could give these less than a star. They're awful. Within 2 months of having them, I've already had 2 of them blow out. DO NOT BUY THESE. Great product!
  • Deal ends May 21.

  • It’s the same size as a traditional E12 light bulb, but with a sleek and neat design, producing a comfortable and relaxing soft white light
  • Each and every bulb can replace your current 40 Watt incandescent E12 light and you’re going to only spend about $1.1 per year in energy costs, Color Temperature: 2700k
  • As bright as traditional incandescent 40W bulb, but consuming only 20% of energy, Installs into existing American E12 base fixtures directly
  • Each and every bulb provides approximately 400lumens of light, making improvements to ambiance, energy-efficiency and comfort in your house,Voltage:AC100-240V 50/60Hz
  • Best Household lighting: Ideal for INDOOR household use in kitchens, living rooms, dining rooms, offices, family rooms,bedrooms,hallways
  • 18-month Warranty: Albrillo offer 18 months warranty for this light after the date of original purchase

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