• Amazon offers All-Natural Himalayan Yak Cheese Dog Chews By Best Bully Sticks (3 Pack) for $19.99 $13.08.
  • Ends in 01h 01m 10s Adding to Cart Add to Cart failed. Retrying.. All retries have failed This deal is in your Cart. You have 0:00 left to Waitlist is full We'll notify you on the Amazon site, or you can turn on waitlist notifications in the Amazon App on your phone. This deal is now available for you. You have left to add this to Cart. You have already claimed this deal. $19.99 FREE Shipping on orders over $35. FREE Shipping on orders over $35. My dogs love them My dogs loved them! They are hard core chewers and I was surprised at how long these lasted. I had to take them away after a while as they did not want to stop chewing on them. Break into large pieces which I feel can be choking issue, I have 62 lb English bulldog It was so hard my dog could not chew on it. What a good buy on the dog chews. My Airedale loves them and they are very long lasting. She's been working on one for a week. I'm sure they're good, I just have an extremely picky dog. Our Border Collie, Jazz, loves Himalayan Yak chew sticks. They last a long time and are much safer than rawhide. Ordered and received very next day. One happy doggy! My dog loves these. When he gets down to the last inch or two I microwave it and it turns into a big cookie. I love the quality from Best Bully Sticks. Break if dropped These are of great size and affordably priced. Much more healthier for you dog than rawhide. I also love how long lasting they are even for my aggressive chewer.
  • Deal ends Mar 28.

  • Vegetarian Dog Chew: Meat Free Option for Dogs
  • Lactose Free: This chew contains milk but the lactose has been removed.
  • All Natural: No Hormones, Additives, or unhealthy Chemicals
  • Suitable for All Size Dogs
  • Perfect for Indoors: Himalayan Yak Cheese Dog Chews are virtually Odor Free.

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