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Deal ends Mar 29.
Play It Your Way: Take command with the in-line controller and choose from 3 EQ modes (Balance, Clear Voice, Super Bass) at the press of a button.
HD Audio: Lightning connection, premium DAC processor and 10mm drivers pump out pristine, high-resolution digital sound from your iOS device.
MFi Certified: Complete compatibility with iPhone 7 and other Lightning devices. Built-in microphone allows hands-free calling.
Ultra Durable: Engineered with IPX5 water resistance, reinforced cable and a deluxe aluminum finish for robust performance.
What You Get: SoundBuds Digital IE10, S/M/L EarTips, Memory Foam EarTips, S/M/L In-Ear Hooks, shirt clip, travel pouch, our worry-free 18-month warranty and friendly customer service.