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Deal ends Sep 06.
100% top grain leather
Stay away from IDENTITY THEFT - Use RFID card holder every day to Shield against unauthorized RFID NFC and BLE scans as reported in the media. Order our RFID wallete for everyday use if you spend time vacation or live overseas. Protect yourself from strangers in public places
Lightweight and thin - Compact Design for Front or Back Pocket Wear, easy to hold, with a key ring, you can even add your most oten used keys to it, so you have your cards and keys together, all-in-one wallet reduce your hassle to take heavy bag
Perfect for gift giving - The zippered wallet comes in a box which makes it a great presentation when you want to send it for her birthday, graduation day or much more
Smart Constructure - Three Card Slots on one side,1 ID or Drive License Card on the other side, Zippered Pouch for Notes, Cash, Coins. Product Dimensions: 3.2 x 4.5 x 0.2 inches
Reliable seller - THe wallet is small but practical, well-made, no risk to buy, 100% satisfaction guaranteed, you can depend on us to refund or return if there is something wrong with the wallet you got.