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Deal ends Aug 29.
TOTALLY ECO-FRIENDLY: our spatulas constructed of premium solid beech wood from Europe, hard and durable; say goodbye to cheap lacquer and to chemical pollutions
NO SPLINTERS & NON STICK: our spatulas undergone three times of burnishing, which create incredibly sleek non stick surface without any splinters compared with Bamboo; easy to clean
QUALITY GUARANTEED: we are one of the largest wooden kitchenware suppliers of Daiso (Japan's retail giant), so our products are all made compliant with Japan regulations!
PROTECT YOUR COSTLY PAN: Worry about the damage metal spatulas will cause for the coating of your expensive pan? Fret that the silicone or plastic turner will cause toxic chemicals for your family? Then you need our wood spatulas!
Revitalizing Oil (Wood Oil, Plant Oil or Wax Oil) Suggested to be Occasionally Applied to Extend the Life and Beauty of Products; Hand Wash Only with Warm Soapy Water and Air Dry