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Deal ends Aug 19.
STOP BEING STINKY: This isn't summer camp. This is the real world, and your foot hygiene is important! Stop being stinky and start smelling (and feeling) FRESH!
ABSORB MOISTURE LIKE A BOSS: That's right. Our powerful shoe plugs absorb moisture that attracts harmful bacteria. This helps prevent icky fungal growth and mold.
SMELL FRESH ALL DAY: Simply insert the Activated Carbon deodorizer bags in your shoes daily when you take them off! Boom! Enjoy your fresh new feet!
100% NATURAL ACTIVATED CHARCOAL: Our products don't use any harmful chemical like some of our competitors. Our naturally activated charcoal is highly porous and absorbs moisture, preventing germs and keeping you fresh and healthy!
100% MONEY BACK GUARANTEE: If you're not fully satisfied with our shoe plugs, return the item for a full refund. Simple. So click that "Add to Cart" button now! You'll be glad you did.