Hello, I hope you are doing well.
Amazon.com has BlueMagic 900 Carpet Stain & Spot Lifter (22oz)
on sale for $3.88 when you check out via Subscribe and Save (S&S), which gives you free shipping.
Direct link to deal at Amazon.com [amazon.com]
Author's Notes- You may cancel your Subscribe and Save subscription any time after your order ships. Future shipments may not retain this price.
- Save 15%, as opposed to the standard 5%, on this month's Subscribe & Save items when you subscribe to 5 or more items during your current subscription month. With 5 or more items, this product becomes $3.30.
- This product has been on the Frontpage four times with varying thumbs up between +34 and +104. It was most recently on the FP on 07/22/2015. Since July 2015, the product has been ~$8.70 on Amazon.com.
- This product has a rating of 4.1 stars out of 5 stars, based on 384 Amazon.com customer reviews [amazon.com].
- I have personally been using this product and, as I stated here, it "has been the best carpet cleaning product I have used. It's simple to apply and very effective for all types of stains - both new and old."
Tofu Vic