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Deal ends Aug 23.
Built with CSR Bluetooth 4.0 chipset guarantees solid performances and connection stability within 10 meters operational range
INNOVATIVE DESIGN: Ultra-light weight, flexible neckband optimized for wearing and maximum hands-free convenience. It offers 10 hours play time, and 300 hours standby time.
FEEL YOUR MUSIC: Enhanced stereo sound quality with A2DP profile support, experience high quality music and calls at affordable price
Unique around-the-neck design that's lightweight and comfortable for all-day use
MAXIMUM COMFORT: Premium earbuds that stay in with 3 sizes included. Bluetooth 4.0 audio streaming is specially designed for uninterrupted on-the-go use, great for gym, outdoors, running, walking, biking, gardening, working out, TV listening, commuting, driving, airplane travel.