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Deal ends Sep 08.
SAFE AND COMFORTABLE:The headset enables you to answer or hand up your call hand-freely, enjoying your conversation with driving safely.Two size medical grade soft ear tips and one rotation ear-hook. Fits comfortably in either ear with a super soft gel ear tip, comes with 180 Degree Flip-boom hook for left or right ear.
STABLE AND STRONG SIGNAL: Bluetooth CSR 4.0+EDR provide more stable Bluetooth signal,easy and fast pairing with your bluetooth devices,effective connections in 10 meters distance.
HIGH VOICE QUALITY: Noise-cancelling microphone reduces background noise, allows you to have a clear wireless conversation with others. Crystal clear and nature voice based on DSP digital noise cancelling and stable bluetooth signal.
LOW POWER CONSUMTION: Provide more stable Bluetooth signal and lower Power Consumption. Up to 7 hours talk time, Up to 6 hours music playing time,Up to 6 days standby time.
FAST CONNECTION AND CONVIENCE: Easy and fast pairing with your bluetooth devices. Automatically pairing in next time. Integrated multi-point technology allows you connect 2 devices at the same time. Support All iPhone and Most of Andriod phones.