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Deal ends Aug 22.
1. MAGNETIC CLOSURE --- The magnetic feature is really handy, it keeps things well organized and tangle free. You never have to worry about them falling off or getting caught in clothing.
2. GREAT SOUND QUALITY --- The audio quality is clear and crisp as well as using this to talk to other people on the phone. The headphones actually produce decent/good bass.
3. EASY TO USE --- The cable has most of the controls: an MFB (multi-function button) and a Mic on one side, and two Vol +/- buttons that serve additional functions of skip next/previous. These convenient buttons allow you to not have to reach for my phone during a workout.
4. COMFORTABLE FIT --- The around ear headphones offer a more stable and secure fit that is comfortable. The earpieces stayed put while running outside and while on the treadmill. It is very nice and soft so you can listen to music for ages.
5. NOISE CANCELLING --- Their design is around ear which means they give you some noise isolation. For that reason you do not have to crank them up too loud and they can play music very loudly indeed.