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Deal ends Aug 26.
LARGEST CONNECTABLE / EXPANDABLE CHINESE STRING LIGHTS ON AMAZON! - Sets of 10 Mini Lanterns on 11.67 feet long plug-in strings, that can be connected on both ends with more sets, and expand up to a total of 90 sets! Up to 1,050 FEET LONG and a TOTAL of 900 LED MINI LANTERNS! You can buy as many as you need, from 1 to 90 sets.
ASSEMBLY INSTRUCTIONS (15min aprox): Are above on 3rd photo to your left hand side. The mini lanterns are WHITE color oriental style round shape globes 3 Inches in diameter, with a warm white LED LIGHT inside which make them very bright. Much brighter than the incandescent ones sold on the market, that Qualizzi also sell. Is a matter of personal preferences. BRIGHTEST ON AMAZON!
These Chinese Lanterns have a Plug of 110 volts. From plug to first light there are 1.7 feet. Distance between LED lights is 11.2 2- 11.42 inches. From last light to slot there are 1.7 feet. String lights are CONNECTABLE to each other on both ends, easy to string 2 or more together, EXPANDABLE up to a total of 15 connecting strings with 150 LED Globes making a total length of 175 feet. Great for customers looking for 100 Led lights strings.
They are WATERPROOF, For INDOOR / OUTDOOR use made of NYLON fabric sturdy and water - resistant. Will not get damaged under the rain as paper lanterns do. (The plug is not waterproof). The Nylon gives a silky look and feel. WARNING: The fabric is durable, not easy to tear or crush, therefore they are long lasting. Easy to clean by brushing off with a dry rag or wipe with a damp cloth (or hand wipes). WARNING: THE SUN EXPOSURE WILL DESTROY THE NYLON. AVOID SUN FOR MORE THAN 2 DAYS.
They come packed inside a PVC tube, folded. Customer will need to assemble the globes with the led inside. Check assembly instructions on the 9th picture above, and on the Qualizzi Webiste. Once mounted they don't collapse. They are very sturdy We needed to pack them this way, to avoid a huge increase on price due to the shipping costs.