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Deal ends Aug 28.
IDEAL FOR UP-CLOSE GROOMING - Most powerful vanity mirror in its class! 10x magnification provides clear, generous viewing area for cleaner shaving, precise tweezing, detailed trimming and flawless makeup application.
ILLUMINATES EVERY DETAIL - Click the one-touch on-off button and the bright white LED light illuminates every detail and eliminates shadows. Comes with two, long-lasting lithium ion batteries for years of use.
USE IT HANDS FREE - Removable suction cups allow secure hanging from shower door, medicine cabinet, bathroom mirror, car window ... almost any flat surface. Durable stylish housing allows comfortable handling and matches any décor.
TAKE IT ANYWHERE - Weighing just 3 ounces, it's the perfect pack-and-go travel mirror for everyone in the family.
GUARANTEED FOR A FULL YEAR - Backed by Love Park Products' 1 year guarantee.