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Deal ends Aug 17.
ADJUSTABLE CABLE MANAGEMENT SLEEVE CATERS FOR VARYING CABLE LENGTHS - Velcro cable management sleeve can be cut to desired length, easily keeping unsightly cables out of the way and protected. Large diameter will keep multiple cables easily bundled together
REVERSIBLE DESIGN FOR MULTIPLE USES - reversible black and white colors to suit décor. Suitable for home office, TV entertainment centers, kitchen gadgets
BEST HIGH QUALITY DURABLE NEOPRENE TO PROECT CABLES FROM FEET AND PETS! - Material is durable and will protect cables even if they are trodden on, or bitten by your pet dog! Flexible enough to wind around corners
EASY TO INSTALL - just cut to length, and wrap round cords. Holes can be cut along the length to allow cables of varying length to come out at different points
LIFETIME GUARANTEE WHEN YOU ORDER NOW! If you're not happy or aren't satisfied for any reason, we will gladly and promptly refund your purchase price