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Deal ends Aug 23.
All tools are made of Deluxe premium thick stainless-steel. And the wooden handles tools make them very nice and practical, and they wont be very hot to hold when last long. The length is ideal for keeping your hands away from the heat while you easily turn, grab and flip your delicious
The thick fabric made case with zipper is easy to open and close,and the tools stay in the same place when you close the wont have dents and scratch, therefore it wont be damaged easily and it is very convenient to wash it and hold to outdoors.
The spatula was wide enough to carry chunks of meat to serving plates without issues.and it is easy to flip a heavy burger and all kinds of meat.
The tongs is easy to use because of its spring force holding them open. And the it is more convenient for hanging on the side of the grill.
Included:barbecue fork, tongs, slotted spatula, all-purpose knife and bottle opener.The tools are all stainless steel with wooden handles,so you can be assured that these tools will last.