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✮ WIDER AND LONGER Than Most Cable Boxes. At 16" x 6.2" you can store all of your outlet apparatuses including multiple power strips, cords, adapters, splitters, etc in one convenient place.
✮ CLEAN, LOGO-FREE BOX AND LID Provides a Sleek and Tidy Appearance. Unlike the logo-cluttered boxes and lids of similar products, this box is really an immaculate choice that is ultimately the best use of your space.
✮ ELECTRICALLY INSULATED Material is STRONGER and More IMPACT RESISTANT than other Plastics. The Melca™ Cable Box is tough enough to manage anything your outlet ends up needing, now and in the future.
✮ PERFECT FOR OUTLETS IN ANY ROOM with 2 Wire Ties & 2 Cable Cutouts on opposite sides that allow you to manage and customize your organization/clean-up effort.
✮ MULTI-UNIT DISCOUNTS. Scroll down to the Special Offers & Product Promotions area below. Up to 20% off of today's order.
✮ Order now to receive an email with your eBook download with the Top 10 Cable Management Tips. So watch your inbox!