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Deal ends Aug 19.
• ALLOWS YOU TO HAVE YOUR FOOD COOKED CORRECTLY: If you are demanding of your food and you want it safe, tender, juicy and flavorful, you must control the temperature of the cooker and the internal temperature of the food. This thermometer allows you to check the right and safe temperatures and helps you cook correctly.
• DON'T BURN YOUR FINGERS: You can tell a steak's internal temperature by poking it. It takes a chef's experience to do so though! Besides, poking only gives you an idea of the external temperature, but you don't know the internal one, which is really important. With this Cappecs thermometer you know the exact temperature without burning your fingers.
• SAVE MONEY AND YOUR SELF-ESTEEM AS A COOK: Spend money for a good thermometer is not a waste. It's worthwhile purchasing this thermometer and avoid wasting money on ruined food! It will pay for itself by saving your meat and your face!
• DON'T'T HAVE TO EXCUSE YOURSELF FOR OVERCOOKED OR UNDERCOOKED MEAT: Invite friends and family to dinner or bbq without worrying if you will disappoint them offering an overcooked or undercooked meal. With this thermometer you will not have to apologize for a dinner gone wrong.
• PROTECT YOUR HEALTH: Using our thermometer, you can reduce the risk of foodborne diseases to zero. A piece of properly roasted meat, that is, at the right temperature, can save you a lot troubles. A foodborne illness is caused by bacteria and it can be prevented by proper cooking to assure that they have been eliminated.