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Deal ends Sep 04.
WHAT YOU GET - You get 1 high quality super strong stainless steel kitchen Grater with thick plastic bowl container storage and lid Color - white. Dimension are 24.5 x 19 x 6 cm or 9.5 x 7.4 x 2.3 inches.
MULTIPURPOSE - Large Grater - use it for soft cheeses, fruits and vegetables. - Small Grater - Use it for hand cheeses, and julienne vegetables. - Slicer - Use it for slicing all types of fruit.
BENEFITS - Light, comfortable, easy to use, easy to clean, non-slip grip can be hang for convenient storage, dishwasher safe, and the big advantage of this product compared to others is the thick plastic case which help you enjoy the ability to grate right into the storage container.
GREAT VALUE - For your money ! money back guarantee !
BUY NOW - To take a advantage of the limited-time special price !