✔ 100% UNBLEACHED COTTON - When using unbleached cheesecloth you don't have to worry about the left over chlorine leaching out of the cheesecloth and into your food or skin. If you are using the cheesecloth to wrap a newborn, this is especially important. Unbleached cotton means that you are using a superior product that is made with only the best natural cotton fibers.
✔ HIGHEST QUALITY & LINT FREE - Only pure cotton is used with the in our Cheesecloth. That means you will never get recycled fibers or other impurities in the cloth. Virgin cotton is a grown right here in the states. American cotton is known to be the best in the world, it is well known for its strengths and durability. We don't need to remind you of the original pair of jeans do we? Yep. Those were grown in america too!
✔ REUSABLE = LONG LIFESPAN - When we talk about our Grade 50 Cheesecloth, one of the things that stands out is the durability and lifespan of the cloth. Not only is the cheesecloth strong, it also is reusable many times over. When you want to clean it, just use a mild detergent and warm water. Scrub between your hand until the cheesecloth is clean. If the cheesecloth has picked up small particles, we recommend that you boil for up to 15 minutes or until it looks clean.
✔ MANY HOUSEHOLD USES - Our Cheesecloth is one of the most versatile tools in your home! It is ideal for straining stocks as well as canning. Use it for basting or stuffing poultry. Its also useful when making soft cheeses that need a mesh wrap. Keep chicken or fish intact when poaching. Wrap a turkey or chicken when roasting. Squeeze the juice out of a lemon without letting the seeds fall into the juice. Or you can use it to wrap spices.
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