• Amazon offers Cinak Women's 4-pack Microfiber Ultra Low Cut Sock for $7.99 $5.09.
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  • Imported
  • PREMIUM MATERIAL - Combined 30% good cotton with 67% bamboo fiber and 3% spandex. Made from eco-friendly material. Allows your feet to breathe and stay comfortable all day.
  • COLOR AND SIZE - Currently beige, black, denim blue, fuchsia, purple, blue, and gray are available. Good elasticity makes our no show socks fit most women.
  • PROMINENT FUNCTIONS - Soft and comfortable cotton material. Sweat-absorbent even when your feet perspire. Perfect for flats, high heels, dance and choir shoe, sports shoes and canvas shoe, etc.
  • CONSIDERATE DESIGN - Lightweight fabric, almost invisible and nicely finished seams, real no show and low cut socks. A little pad in heels, cushion on the back to protect your heels, well designed to anti-skip all day.
  • DURABLE CONSTRUCTION - Computer-controlled manufacturing process to ensure that all socks we provide are what you need. All of our low cut socks are durable and fully washable from warm to cool wash.

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