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Deal ends Sep 05.
TIRED OF USING A TOWEL THAT DOESN'T FIT YOUR MAT? Super soft, absorbent, 100% microfiber and large, 72" x 24". Completely covers your mat and protects it from wear and tear as well as sweat.
NO MORE SLIPPING AND SLIDING from sweaty yoga practice. Focus more on your poses and alignment with skid less surface protection. Absorbs sweat so that you can try more challenging poses with no concern of losing your footing.
PROTECT YOUR BODY AND YOUR MAT. Traveling yogis can use this to cover studio yoga mats with the antibacterial property of this great, grippy towel. Place it on your mat and now you have a mat that will last double the time you expected.
WORRY FREE INVESTMENT. You are protected by our special "Namaste" Lifetime Warranty. If you are dissatisfied at any time, we will replace it or give you a 100% refund. Seriously, we want our customers to be happy and will always honor our warranty.
BIG BANG FOR YOUR BUCK! Not only are you getting an awesome, high quality yoga towel, also included is a FREE matching hand towel, 24" x 15". Wipe the sweat from your face or use it at the top of the mat if you have super sweaty hands. These great gems can also be used for gym workouts, pilates, camping or at the beach.