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Deal ends Sep 07.
FOUR SIZES IN ONE SET: 1/4, (60 Mil) 1/3, (80 mil) 1/2 (125 mil) and 1 cup (250 mil) sizes.
SPACE SAVER: Ergonomic, space-saving design. These measuring cups are completely collapsible, so they do not take up much needed room in your kitchen cupboards & drawers. When collapsed, and nested together, these fold to less than 2 inches tall!
EASY TO CLEAN: Silicone set is stain and odor resistant, & 100% Dishwasher Safe
UNIQUE & THOUGHTFUL DESIGN: Convenient pouring spout at lip of cup sets our measuring cups above competitors.
HYGIENIC & SAFE: Solid silicone surface without crevices prevents growth of bacteria. FDA Grade BPA-free silicone.