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Deal ends Aug 18.
BEST VALUE! - Our Classic Clobber is designed to prevent any accidental spillage. However, like all mixers you do still want to try to hold the cap on while shaking so your drink doesn't go everywhere. A great addition for your home bar or office.
PERFECT SIZE MIXER and DOUBLE sided cup - Holds up to 24 liquid oz and measures 9 inches x 3.5 inches. EXCELLENT capacity to make individually crafted alcoholic beverages or multiple chilled shots.
BEST GIFT IDEA - Makes the perfect present for any occasion. Delivered in a beautiful cylinder packaging with a timeless look & leak proof design that guarantees to put a smile on your loved ones.
EASY TO CLEAN - Wash and Dry by hand for best results. Using the dishwasher might contribute to rusting, spotting or staining, since water temperature combined with Chemicals, salt or minerals (softened water) can react with the metal. If you use the dishwasher it should be placed in the upper rack and spaced far enough away from other materials so as to ensure proper washing and drying.
MOJITO TIME - Backed by our BEST VALUE 100% MONEY BACK guaranteed, Love it or your money back! Includes a ½ ounce and 1oz double measuring jigger Bundle. Click Add to Cart Now