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Deal ends Aug 13.
SAVE VALUABLE SPACE IN YOUR CABINETS - Our colander set consists of 3 silicone collapsible colanders measuring 6, 10 and 14 cup capacities that fit inside each other for easy storage. Why take up cabinet space when you can store these in a drawer!
OUR COLANDER HAS MULTIPLE USES - While it may look like primarily a colander that you'd use to strain pastas or wash fruits and vegetables, it's really so versatile that you'll soon find endless strainer uses for it. We've designed them to make your kitchen time more efficient!
THE LAST SET OF SILICONE COLANDERS YOU WILL EVER NEED - We feel so confident that you will find these the best set of silicone collapsible colanders that we offer you a no questions asked LIFETIME GUARANTEE. You can't get a better deal than that!
EASY TO CLEAN, DISHWASHER SAFE - Tired of hand washing because you can't fit it in the dishwasher. You won't have this problem with ours, being collapsible, they fit perfectly and take up less space. Clean up has never been so easy!
GREAT FOR TRAVELING, YOUR RV OR CAMPING - So easy to use, clean and store, you will want to buy more for all your outdoor and travel excursions. A necessity that needs to go on your travel checklist, don't leave home without them! Consider getting one set for the house and one set for the RV. Considering buying one set for yourself and one set for your best friend.