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Deal ends Aug 14.
LOVE TO COLOR? Sending a personal note is a lost art, and we make it easy to always have a card on hand for any occasion. And how better to personalize it than to color it yourself.
ALL OCCASIONS: Who doesn't long to receive a handwritten card in the mail? This coloring cards boxed set contains 20 unique assorted greeting cards with envelopes including blank, encouragement, birthday, thank you, missing you and thinking of you.
KNOW SOMEONE WHO LOVES TO COLOR? Consider sending them one of our cards blank. When they receive it, they will be thrilled to have a new design to work on! Great 4x6 size.
COLOR FOR RELAXATION: Discover what so many already know. Coloring is relaxing, so why not relax by coloring our cards with your colored pencils, gel pens, or other coloring supplies, and create the perfect DIY personalized gift.
VALUE AND BONUS: This stationery set is a great value at cost per card compared with store bought single greeting cards. We've also enclosed a postcard with Hints on the perfect words for card writing and heartfelt phrases to help you express just what you need to say.