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Deal ends Sep 03.
With well-spaced buttons,a comfortable design and top-of-the-line software,the Proteus Spectrum is ,Hands-down,the best all-around gaming mouse
A comfortable shape,textured grips and 7 big buttons in a convenient layout
The Gaosa Optical Gaming Mouse has a max setting of 5500DPI.The adjustable DPI Switch on the top of the mouse is able to switch the DPI sensitivity
When you click the switch it will flash in different colors indicating which setting you just changed it to .The Gaosa can Switch between 1000DPI(Red Light)/1600DPI(Green Light)/2400DPI(Blue Light)/5500DPI(White Light)
Compatible with Windows XP,Vista,Windows 7,ME,2000 and Mac OS.No matter which platform you may be on ,this mouse will work for you