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Deal ends Aug 14.
✔ LIFETIME GUARANTEE - This product is backed by our Lifetime guarntee becuase we want to help you get rid of those pest and we offer a money back guarantee if you dont see results within 3 weeks. Typical results can take 2-3 weeks depending on the amount of infestation.
✔ SAVE THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS while driving away Rodents without using any kind of poison, risky traps, or chemicals that smell horrible and burns your eyes - Use one unit per floor - has built in night light for indoor use
✔ ULTRASONIC & ELECTROMAGNETIC - Uses safe & effective technology to rid those nasty pest from your home. Plugs into any wall power outlet in your house which uses the power in order to effectively eliminate those rodents and pest
✔ BEST SOLUTION for Mosquitoes, Rats, Insects and Rodents (Mice, Rats etc..) It will not harm your children, or pets, it is completely safe as long as your pets do not include roaches, rats or any kind of insects
✔ LATEST TECHNOLOGY - Sends out inaudible sounds to get rid pests from your home, In-Audible to the human ear but extremely annoying to roaches, rats and ants. They've annyoped you enough, now its time to annoy them right back