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Deal ends Aug 16.
A BARGAIN TO TURN AN OLDER TV TO A SMART TV:The ability to convert HDMI input to RCA output be used with legacy televisions adds flexibility and saves the cost of upgrading hardware.Compatible HDMI1.3, Support HDMI input from 480i to 1080P
This Adapter Convert HDMI signal to AV Port:(Composite CVBS Video + analog stereo Audio R/L signal)
Connect with our HDMI to RCA Converter,ENJOY GREAT AUDIO AND VIDEO,NO LAG:Lasted Upgrade video&sound Technology that provide advanced signal processing with great precision, colors, resolutions, and details
NO DISTORTION OR SIGNAL LOSS:Built-in authentic HD chip,Support HDMI 480i /480p/ 576i / 576p / 720p / 1080i / 1080p format input;Support NTSC and PAL two standard TV formats output
EASY TO USE:No need to install drivers, portable, flexible, plug and play