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Deal ends Sep 05.
Gamer's Equipment. 104 keys, 19 keys non-conflict, removable keycaps, strengthened space key. Specially designed keys for enhanced durability and tactile feedback, professional gaming feeling.
Easy to Operate. USB plug and play, no driver needed. Anti-skid and waterproof design. ABS material, laser-etched, non slip design, splash proof and durable.
Adjustable Backlit Brightness. Cool LED backlighting on keyboard, 3 colour changeable breathing or permanent lighting mode. You can adjust backlit and breathing mode whatever you are playing game or working.
User-Friendly. Quickly control each function, multimedia keys provide shortcuts operate. ergonomic design, comfortable to operate.
Compatible with Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows Vista, or Windows XP. We provide 24 months warranty and 30 days refund or replacement service.