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Deal ends Aug 19.
Huge bumper pack of vacuum storage bags containing 15 bags of different sizes featuring high quality pliable plastic which is flexible and more versatile than existing rigid bins.
Volume can be reduced by up to 75% to triple your storage space, depending on the items placed in the bag. Filled comforters and jackets will compress more than blankets and sweaters.
Store items such as winter/summer clothes, curtains, duvets, pillows and cushions & protect your stored items from dirt, dust, bugs and moisture.Vacuum-sealing drastically reduces the effects of oxidation and retards growth of mildew specifically.
Reduced size makes the bags ideal for storing all around your home for extra storage in wardrobes, cupboards, lofts, garages, cellars and suitcases.Ideal for travelling, moving house or keeping sentimental items for many years.
1 "Roll-up Bag" Travel bags without Suction or valve which allows you to remove air simply by rolling them tightly by hand.Travel bags can be used any where , so it is ideal for creating extra suitcase space when travelling