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Deal ends Aug 20.
The portable multi-meter has a Large-screen LCD, can display voltage, current, power, energy at the same time, bright and easy to read.
Voltage test range: DC 6.5~100V; Current test range: 0~20A; Power test range: 0~2KW; Energy test range: 0~9999kWh.
Multifunctional: the accumulated energy can be reset by button; Store data when power off; Voltage alarm function (over voltage alarm threshold, backlight and voltage will flash to alarm).
Easy to hook up: with built-in shunt, 2 wires in (DC + and -) and 2 wires out (The Load), all connections are via a 4 point terminal strip(has a wiring diagram on its back).
The blue backlight can be turned on/off by the front accessible recessed switch located on the right side bezel.