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Deal ends Aug 24.
1. Drawstring closure allows you to adjust the size of the opening. Closed, partially open, wide open. You choose. Adjustable lock opens at the perfect size. A great bag for agility or clicker training. More reliable than metal hinge closures. Read the reviews of snap hinges and the problems they cause. K-I-S-S simplicity mean reliability.
2. Professional quality. Made of duarable, machine washable, line dry nylon. Roomy main compartment for treats, balls, waste bags, ID cards, etc.
3. Sturdy clasp easily hooks on the waistband of your pants. Built-in loop can also be attached to a belt
4. Mesh pocket on the front is perfect for waste bags, clickers, keys, ID card or any other small items
5. Reflective stripes on the sides help give you visablity at night.