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Deal ends Aug 26.
OrthilloW Orthopedic Pillow: Ergonomically designed, provides maximum support and orthopedic comfort while reducing pressure on the coccyx / tailbone and promotes healthy posture and weight distribution. Provides relief from pain due to sciatica, herniated discs, tailbone injuries, pregnancy back pain, hip pain, hemorrhoids, numbness, and tailbone/coccyx issues.
MADE FROM PREMIUM GRADE HIGH-DENSITY MEMORY FOAM - specially designed to maintain its shape. The perfect combination of firmness and comfort to deliver long lasting back and hip relief. Comes with a MACHINE WASHABLE COVER. Easily portable. Innovative design to bring you maximum comfort!
GREAT FOR ANY PLACE YOU SIT - Office chair, kitchen, dining room, living room, patio and even your wheelchair. Great for sporting events, truck drivers, pilots, airplane travel and your car, floor, bench or sporting events. Plum Color.
PROVIDES RELIEF from pain caused by sitting due to Sacral joint pain, tailbone injuries, while promoting increased blood flow to lower back region. RECOMMENDED FOR: Pain from sitting for long periods of time, road trips, long flights, desk, extra cushioning for uncomfortable chairs, padding for hard surface, sciatic nerve damage/sciatica relief, herniated, bulging, slipped or prolapsed disc, and piriformis syndrome.
ALSO RELIEVES FROM pelvic pressure and hip pain relief, lumbosacral spondylosis, fibromyalgia, lumbar spinal stenosis, degenerative disc disease, sacroiliitis or spondylolisthesis of the sacrum, pilonidal cyst relief, subluxation / nerve impingement, sacral pressure, sores or pressure ulcers, post coccygectomy surgery, osteoarthritis of the spine, PREGNANCY or labor-induced coccydynia.