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Deal ends Aug 12.
【HEAVIER THAN THE OTHER】 Maybe the HEAVIEST Door Stop in the market. Specially made for LUXURY & HEAVY door. Provide ultimate gripping power to hold even the heaviest doors.
【DUAL- LAYER ANTI SLIP RUBBER】 A BOTTOM-LAYER SILICON rubber provide full protect for your floor, the TOP-LAYER ATTRITION RESISTANT rubber keep the door in position and long-term use.
【PREMIUM QUALITY】NEVER-RUST 5.5oz stainless steel body with mirroring surface. Decorative design and also stops the door securely.
【MUST HAVE PIECE FOR HOME & OFFICE】Ideal used for rough floor and heavier doors e.g. wood laminate flooring, cement, coarse carpet, etc
【UNIVERSAL SIZE & WEIGHT】 5.5 ounces, maximum wedge height: 30 mm, minimum wedge height: about 10 mm, Dimensions (W x H): 40 x 120 mm