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Deal ends Aug 13.
DUAL BRUSH PENS SET OF 24 - Arteza's dual brush pens include one round fine tip for consistent lines and a brush tip for shading, coloring, and blending. Dual tips make them more versatile as art tools and they can be used for drawing, sketches, calligraphy and more
DURABLE BRUSH TIPS - The brush tips of these pens are very durable and can withstand heavy usage. This makes them perfect for serious art work, and they can be used for blending, coloring, shading and much more. They're a versatile tool that you'll find useful for many types of art including calligraphy, sketches, and casual drawing
PERFECT FOR ALL SKILL LEVELS - You won't find better professional quality brush pens at this price, and they're a great choice for newer artists as well as those who are more experienced. They are designed with professional quality in mind, and they are suitable for your serious art works as well as your sketches
SELF-CLEANING TIPS - Self-cleaning dual tips are easier to work with than other pens. You'll find that they're a perfect choice for any blending that you need
NON TOXIC INK - These dual tip brush pens have water based non-toxic ink and don't have any toxic vapors. No more chemical scents that can give you headaches and can make it difficult to work for extended periods of time. Safe for children to work with and also a great choice for adults and art professionals