• Amazon offers DualKitchenWare Ceramic Coffee Grinder, 100 Gram for $17.99 $15.29.
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  • RESILIENT HEAVY-DUTY CERAMIC COFFEE GRINDER: Made of advanced top-quality ceramic that is close in hardness to diamond, the DualKitchenWare Ceramic Coffee Grinder is a rust-resistant, non- reactive grinder that delivers a long useful life.
  • HIGH-PRECISION MULTI-PURPOSE COFFEE GRINDER: Engineered for incredibly precise grinding and offering 3 adjustments, namely, FINE, MEDIUM and COARSE, the DualKitchenWare Ceramic Coffee Mill has an easily adjustable grinding mechanism for preparing fresh salt, coffee, green tea and sesame seeds, and for grinding roasted coffee beans according to your liking.
  • POSITIVELY SMALL, LIGHTWEIGHT AND PORTABLE: Designed for absolute user convenience, the small, lightweight and portable DualKitchenWare Ceramic Coffee Grinder is easy to manipulate and move around the restaurant, hotel or home kitchen. It is perfect for coffee enthusiasts and ideal for both travelers and home coffee enthusiasts.
  •  EASY-TO-USE AND EASY-TO-CLEAN: DualKitchenWare Ceramic Coffee Mill has a sturdy non-slip comfortable grip for easy usage when grinding coffee beans. With a slim design and removable handle that can be removed before storage, the grinder saves space and is easy to store. It is also dishwasher safe and can be washed with a neutral detergent and sponge before being thoroughly rinsed.
  • IMPECCABLE COFFEE FLAVOR: DualKitchenWare Ceramic Coffee Mill has faultless grinding mechanism that will never alter the flavor of the grinds, giving fresh, pure and flavorful coffee. It also comes with a 100% money back guarantee to allow you to use it with absolute confidence. This is totally risk-free buy; CLICK the Orange button to Order Now!

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