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Deal ends Aug 27.
AV to HDMI Upscaling.The device converts and upscales CVBS and L/R audio to digital HDMI up to Full HD 1080p, so you can play your DVD, VCR,camcorder, or game system on your HDTV or HDMI monitor.Note:If there is no sound,that indicates your HDTV identify the HDMI signal as DVI signal(NO SOUND) and this made no sound,you can setting your HDTV to receive correct input HDMI signal to solve it.
Intelligent - Supports PAL/NTSC. Color Eye Technology - Motion Optimization, Color Optimization and Digital Noise Reduction.
The device can automatically detect AV signal in PAL/NTSC and scales it to 720p/1080p. Plug and play, no drivers or software required.
Unique Color Eye Technology can optimize the whole process and result, from the signal input, signal collection,signal processing to signal output.
Results will become much more vivid and jitter and trailing are effectively eliminated even for fast moving videos. In addition, three primary colors (Red, Green, and Blue) are restored perfectly.To use this item, the HDTV must support HDMI input at 720P or 1080P.