• Amazon offers EBL 18650 3.7V Li-ion Rechargeable Batteries 4 Counts with iQuick Lithium Ni-MH Ni-CD Battery Charge for $21.99 $18.49.
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  • Deal ends Aug 27.

  • Packages: EBL 18650 3.7V li-ion rechargeable batteries (4 Pack) + EBL 992 Ni-MH Ni-CD Lithium battery charger.
  • EBL 992 Intellicharger Widely compatible for 1 or 2 rechargeable batteries: 18650, 26650, 22650, 17670, 18490, 16340 (RCR123), 14500, 10440 Li-ion cylindrical and AA, AAA, C Ni-MH Ni-CD batteries.
  • EBL 18650 battery with Improved low self discharge makes it still maintain 75% of capacity after 3 year of non-use.
  • MCU controlled technology with advanced "overtime" safety function which could automatically stop to charge while the battery is fully charged.
  • Globally charger with smart LED to show its charging progress, when 3 LED lighting together means the battery is fully charged.

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