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Deal ends Aug 27.
AMAZING QUALITY AND PERFORMANCE FROM A COMPACT PENCIL SHARPENER: Built with the needs of teachers, students and business people in mind, this electric pencil sharpener boasts the best in performance and durability. Crafted from high-quality materials, it does the job right every time.
BATTERY POWERED: Manual pencil sharpeners can't touch the results offered by this battery-powered wonder. Every pencil is sharpened to a perfect point to ensure ease in writing, coloring, drawing and more. This electronic operated pencil sharpener is great for teachers , professionals and students. (*Batteries not included)
ADULT & KID FRIENDLY: Our innovative, auto-stop safety feature prevents this pencil sharpener from being used if any part of the assembly is missing. That means no hurt fingers, which makes it an ideal choice for classrooms with young kids .
IDEAL FOR ANY SETTING: This versatile pencil sharpener handles colored and soft lead pencils with ease. Looking for a colored pencil sharpener? This is it! Looking for a solid standby to sharpen No. 2 pencils? It does that too!
MANUFACTURER GUARANTEE: TripWorthy stands by all of our products and each are backed by a Manufacturer Warranty. If you're not satisfied, we're here to make things right.